As a facility manager, chances are your budget is strained. We must uncover the truth of where your cleaning dollars are going.
The Ontario Ministry of Education states, “… the cost of cleaning products represents only 5%-10%… while labour represents 90%-95% of the total cost [of a cleaning budget].”
Wow! With numbers like those it’s obvious: products don’t clean buildings, people clean buildings.
You might be trying to save money on tools, but chances are you’re hurting staff performance. The real savings is in the way you clean, not the products.
Here are a few examples:
The right equipment will improve efficiency, saving you money where it counts: labour dollars.
Focusing on products alone is ignoring where the money is going. You need to focus your attention on how you clean by creating a proper cleaning plan.
Are you helping your people do their best work or are you slowing them down? Invest in your team (and your facility) by investing in tools that help them do their job.
If you could use some help, get in touch or bring in an expert.
... The cost of cleaning products represents only 5%-10% ... while labour represents 90%-95% of the total cost [of a cleaning budget].
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